I did a test with a MPC Live 2. Thanks to a friend, who kindly made his MPC available to me, I was able to test the MAT on it. At first I thought it would not be recognized until I found the “AUDIO DEVICE” setting in the MPC settings. This means that the interface is recognized, but not all inputs and outputs, only 4 in and 4 out I think I remember. However, a special “32 INPUTS/OUTPUTS” mode can be activated here (strangely, the project then has to be reloaded, but this was only necessary once) and then all inputs and outputs can be used. I have measured the roundtrip latency with an oscilloscope and get abround 10ms. Unfortunately there is no used samplerate, buffer and resolution displayed on the MPC (or I haven’t found it yet). But it worked fine and I haven’t had any issues using all ins and outs the same time. But sure, this is more a question of the MPC and not the MAT 16X8, whether the processing power of the MPC is sufficient.
In any case, the MAT is running so far without any problems…

MPC test